As part of the collaboration between FAU and Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, the IRTG offers four new interdisciplinary graduate level lectures on device development and advanced characterization methods in the summer semester 2022. Those week-long lectures (5 ECTS) will be given by a joint F...
Zwei Schülerinnen der 10. Klasse des Gymnasiums Olching experimentierten am Dienstag, den 29.03.2022, in den Laboren der OMD-Gruppe (WW5) am Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Nanostrukturierte Filme -IZNF zum Thema „Wasserreinigung mit magnetischen Nanopartikeln“.
Die Schülerinnen, die ihrem Gymnas...
The English-taught interdisciplinary M.Sc. programme “Advanced Materials and Processes” (MAP) offers their annual MAP poster session again in a digital format on 9 February 2022 from 4:00 to 6:30 pm. Part time attendance is possible.
MAP students of the third semester present scientific posters s...